Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Some people ask me whether am i not lonely?  After kids turns to be young lady, college student and the babies is now grown up teens...

I do but there's plenty of ways how to be optimist all the time.  Making myself bz with work, meeting old friends, make new acquaintance.  Most importantly making use of all the source HE gave me in many form.

Some times I was hit by the emotion but lonely?  No I can't find those when I hardly have enough time to think of myself.  Occupying almost all the time does give me wonderful feelings being a loner.

You want time to be with me just ask,  you need company for tea or coffee?  I am on! Juggling my time at my best?  That's my forte... I even have time to being thankful and blessed to forgive those who wrong me and say  my prayer before I enter my dreams.

Life should be used at best!


And The Journey Goes On....

Despite the hiccups, the mishap, the hurdles plenty of beautiful picture was planted along the way of hideous.

I am learning more and more life values, colours, valueable experience by mixing around with community, corporates, elite and my take is all of us has our own picture and story unfold.

The untold was far more tricky and i choose not to meddle with it in between.  Having met the elite people unfold some mystery that told so many beauty.

Now im looking forward to let HIM arrange what is already written for me.  Yes im ready to embark new chapter in life.

Those with Iman, love his own brotherhood, his nation would be the perfect match but as we all know nobody is perfect and the written will then be unfold once i found the knot.

If he comes sooner he will then be mine or else anybody who has that criteria will have an opportunity to know me and love me.

ALLAH HAFIZ.  May he grant me the chance to be in Mekah this year with my mother.

Ins Shaa Allah

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Amalan sebelum tidur

Ulangan dan peringatan di mlm mulia. EMPAT HAL SEBELUM TIDUR

Rasulullah berpesan kepada siti Aisyah ra.

“ Ya, Aisyah! Jangan engkau tidur sebelum melakukan empat perkara yaitu :

1. Sebelum khatam al-Quran
2. Sebelum menjadikan para nabi bersyafaat untukmu di hari kiamat
3. Sebelum para muslimin meridhai engkau
4. Sebelum engkau melaksanakan haji dan umrah “

Bertanya siti Aisyah :
“Ya Rasulullah ! bagaimana aku dapat melaksanakan empat perkara seketika? “

Rasul tersenyum dan bersabda :

1. “Jika engkau akan tidur , membacalah surat al –Ikhlas tiga kali
Seakan-akan engkau telah meng-khatamkan Al-Quran

” Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim,
‘Qulhuallaahu ahad’ Allaahushshamad’ lam yalid walam yuulad’ walam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad’ ( 3x ) “

2. "Membacalah shalawat untukku dan untuk para nabi sebelum aku" maka kami semua akan memberimu syafaat di hari kiamat “

“ Bismillaahirrahmaan irrahiim, Allaahumma shallii ‘alaa Muhammad wa’alaa aalii Muhammad ( 3x ) “

3. “Beristighfarlah” untuk para mukminin maka mereka akan meridhai engkau

“ Astaghfirullaahal adziim aladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qoyyuum wa atuubu ilaih ( 3x )

4. Dan perbanyaklah “bertasbih, bertahmid , bertahlil dan bertakbir” maka seakan-akan engkau telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah

“ Bismillaahirrahmaan irrahiim, Subhanallaahi Walhamdulillaahi walaailaaha illallaahu allaahu akbar ( 3x )

Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain,
maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariah pada setiap orang yang anda kirimkan pesan ini, dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat.... آمِيّنْ..