Time now is fifteen past two in the morning. Im having a good time in the office where I manage to clear some rubbish and manage to do some filings in a proper way. But still I need a space to put all those hardcover file into a cabinet or proper room where its easy to find when needed. It was raining since 2 pm in the afternoon. Boss is out till then and when she came back I start to pace around the time to complete the task for today’s group. Today it was about zero light or zero sugar carbonated drinks from a famous soft drink company.
Im feeling giddy by 5pm daily starting from last week. I know it’s a sign of low blood and sugar and also lack of sleep. Sleepiness came only during daytime and when I hit the sack at night I have to fight a battle of making my mind to stop working and also thinking. I had nice meal today and till now im feeling full and I had nasi lemak just now in ampang point.
We were talking about accidents and car maintenance and also advance course on the road. I was just listening and asking on some terms and things that I don’t understand. Now I know how shallow is my mind in terms of car maintenance and spare parts. But then again to take care and to get the best of the spare parts I have to juggle with my priority over my daily budget. I wouldn’t want to sacrifice any for myself if it is already allocated for the angels.
But on the other hand safety is another important factor that need to be consider. Off handedly I would love to have that tip top and would have a wonderful feeling to have the care maintain accordingly. Insyaallah the day and time will come. Im having heavy head now thinking whether I should be back to the legendary town for visiting. If mom is going to be with my sis in law in Kelantan, my mission is to be out of town or perhaps entertaining friends over at my house. That would be nice. Now I have to plan for the menu, so that I would have those ready before I approve my maids leave.
Guess my pillow is waiting for me and a book has gotten my attention the minute I scroll at my bookshelf. Adioss
Date released: 26th Oct 05 (2.31am)
Mood: Happy
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