Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Everything went well today. About 2 pm a girlfriend call me asking whether im in the office or at home. Since im sick I have not taking any mc. My mind is not so composed so staying at home wont be a good advice. She ask me what happen to my blogspot, have I change the address?

Frankly speaking since I gave up with my best friend 20 years ago, ive given up trusting girlfriends. Not being selfish, stupid, self centred or anything but the facts is I don’t trust myself too. They tend to be a bitch or I can be one too. What I do most of the time is being patience, very very patience. Reality is when people read this line they get pissed with me. Why? Only if they do it they know why. But I know there is a girlfriend that I could trust truly. And I know who she is. For you girlfriend whom can still read my blog, there you go, you have got my respect, my trust. Its not easy to gain that from me because ive been betrayed countless time.

I wanted to write chapter by chapter, scene by scene here but then people will get offended. Was I talking about a friend behind my back? I was just getting confirmation what type of person you are. I write what I feel about people, behaviour and attitude. Yeah hardly people tell those things truthfully face to face. I love to fight with my soul asking my courage would I dare to tell what I feel right on the face.

Ive done that yesterday with my brother. I told him everything about his wife, the facts and reasons why I did not tell him about her attitude and behaviour. As woman I want him to guide her nicely and pleasantly. The other day was my sister’s turn. Yeah like what kinchan said its time to test my credibility, will power, courage or even how to be ignorance.

Theres always blessing in disguise on any of the thing happens to us. Today, tomorrow or even yesterday. If this thing happen to me 3 years ago, I would be very depressed, sad and crying. But now im fine, tackling every emotions with logical thinking. No doubt when it strikes I was so emotional, angry, hot tempered and sad. But now im fine after advice received by friends.

I know why my blog is being followed. I talk and ramble what I feels and according to reality. I have my own blast of feeling good over what I write. I let out almost everything day to day and now found who I am and you are.

One day everything will come out blurted one by one. When all the stalkers are not there anymore leaving me and my close friend around.

Date released : 091105 (12.13am)
Currently listening: Langit (Syarifah Zarina)
Mood: Crappy

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