Penna: Lynna
Released: 010606
Mood: Perk UP
Category: Family and LoveReleased: 010606
Mood: Perk UP
Today is dad's bday. Suddenly i feel like having bfast outside this morning. I urge my lis sis to come and she tagged him along. We had tea n roti chanai. *sigh* what a diet...
Anyway after the breakfast... he ask me what is the date today..
I said "its 1st June and happy bday!!"
"Ohhh" he paused "pasal itulah ajak saya keluar?" my smile broaden...
"Ha tau pun, anyway im going off to work ok dad..."
Off i went to office. I was late as usual. Stupid smart tunnel is still not ready despite the school holidays should be less jam. Was still reading yesterday SMS and still trying to gather what is he trying to make up. His call came in about 1042pm but was ended abruptly. He was just checking me where and whom i am with, i guess. But to end it abruptly was rude as i always told him. It makes me pissed...
i had black pepper crab, grilled squid, pucuk keledek vege with belacan and chakoi with kaya last nite at Jimy & Nongs restaurant in Pandan Indah. I was so full and was feeling tired after accompanying rome to buy groceries. I went and pick my maid after when he called.
I was grumbling until i reach home when dizz called asking to lepak with him somewhere. Im tired and pissed. No one could ask my company at that time. He did not give up. Messaging and calling when i was bathing. Showering is the best time to heal my burning sensation and temper. After showering i feel fresh but couldnt help my eyes anymore. I just want to sleep and i locked my door, on the TV, check up my phones. I laughed, theres so many messages when i off the phone. Izad called just to check on the BMW's since the last he spoke to T.
He said if only she write off total lost to insurance it makes it easier for her to get new one with better offer. MMmmm its not mine and im not too sure with cars tho. I myself spent quite and amount this month.
Since my sister came back, im quite ok, feeling better having my nephew to ask me question bit and there and to hear them babbling. She is getting my kids today and my home will fill with laughter again and yes lively!

You hide it from a wrong person. THo i cant see you but i read you clearly. Without calling, writing nor smsing. Yesterday, yes it was yesterday, "syg, engkaukah bulan di langit, teman dimalam yg sunyi, untuk seorang penanti... Syg... engkaukah mimpi yang indah, untuk jiwa yg gelisah. Dari serangkai doa. Kini, adakah kau mengerti syg, hatiku sedang merindu belaian kasih darimu. Syg... setelah lama kucari, baru kini ku temui, cinta yang suci murni..."
"Jgn dengarkan tangisanku, jgn indahkan gelisahku. Yg pasti pulangmu ada yang menanti dgn limpahan kasih sayang. Aku cuma angin sepoi yg lalu menyapa jasadmu membelai jiwamu. Rindumu ada yang mendengar, sejukmu ada yang merangkul, hangatmu diteduhi kasih yang PASTI. Aku cuma pungguk yg rindukan bulan sedangkan ianya jauh dicelah awan"
Now that i know what happens and i was quiet and what he said just now hurt me more. "Kalau dia memaksa abang terpaksa lepaskan..." i dont agree with him, and he wants to put down the phone. "If you run away might as well i go away from your life", i said. He disagree and he cant stand the situation and put it down.
Crucial and you know i dont feel anything. Now i have said what i want, and i have been there since i know you, i am here still and i will be here till HE take me back in HIS custody. So ill wait. Whatever decision you make please feel free to discuss with me....
Listening to: Awan Terpilu
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