Friday – 090606
Penna: Lynna
Released: 300606
Mood: Quizzical
Not only women having difficulties in making big decisions, man are worst. Its scaring their ballz out actually. For many reasons that will make their future unseen, shattered, trashed, painstakingly costing them the whole life to some.
First of all they will think of themselves. Average or I could say most of them would just go ahead with their decision leaving the kids, wife and responsibilities behind and go ahead with new plans or on going lifestyle. Some would follow the rules of syariah where they are responsible for paying Mutaah, Hadanah, Assets & Liabilities that are shared in the marriage to be given fairly or most of them just get away from it somehow.
They are many cases of men who would just close their eyes on those matters and continue having good life with whatever they have ventured during the hard and good time together without even looking back or feeling guilty for taking it with them in the next life.
Some men who are family bonded will take longer time to decide or to leave it to the wife to decide. They would just follow. He would take his time to consider between his needs, her and the kids. He would be very much hurt if he is forced to do it should his women decided to follow a new person in her life be it with or without the children.
While we know most man are not able to manage kids along in their life but there are some who are family oriented would love to have them with in restructuring new life ahead. I would love to see this man who really knows how to lead his life accordingly throughout the wreckage of the marriage. He has his ballz rolling in his own court, managing and maintaining his emotions and rational thinking at the same time.
Some after having few scandals, after discussing or rather being counsel by appropriate department and family members, they suddenly remember yes they do love the other half, the children and the relations they have for many years ago. Even along the way they don’t feel the warmth of the love anymore but they think they should learn to live in the situation for as long as they can sacrificing their needs and wants plus the emotional failure.
In point of time they will just hang around, till the tension build up again, till they can feel the heat to crave for attention again, till the needs of wanting to be pampered like those courting years came back to them again. Some would just grab the opportunity to gallivant the time without being wasted by being smart. Wise men roll the ballz their way. Separating in between responsibilities, needs, wants, purpose and know the consequences that may come ahead.
Leaders will know how, when, what is he suppose to do. Not everymen will wait for the other half to decide. They will do the decision by thinking of what best for them, families and their future. This men have their courage, wit and carry their respect of being themselves as it is. But how many of them is around you.
I’ve seen many, been with many and they remain as good friend. They know best for their family, best for themselves, best for their future. They are successful making their own decision and take the consequences themselves. For this man who has great kind of leadership measure on their own I am glad to listen, to understand and to share their views and opinion.
Some does took what the other half would say or rather sulk or be in the meaningless marriage and again searching for the lost soul and get caught again in between the affairs and having another tornado in their so called set up life.
Why some man don’t speak their mind up just because of the sake having to live in a same roof just to make sure the children are safe to have mom and dad. Sad but it is true. Phenomenon that happens around us today.
It does happen before but then way back most of our parents nurture, cherish the love they had till now. Being adorable within the big family of theirs and making their grandchild proud of their roots. Can our generation today continues the traditions of our heritage before to love, to care to be passionate about life.
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