Thursday, September 01, 2005

Food for Soul

Are we ok?


Laziness are the enemy for human to develop. Think whether you have ask yourself “Am I ok?” Have we ask question to ourselves and we answer it ourself? Answer from your heart? Remember, we have two heart; inner heart and outer heart. The one which always lie to us is the outer heart. The one which always boast and bold came from outer; the one which always sigh and showing the real situation is actually came from inner heart.

So ask yourselves whether you are ok, and answer with your inner heart, sincerely and honestly.

Your answer can show you what are the next steps and so on. Whether it is positive or negative. Whether it is convincing or just to pleased you. You yourself will know.

“Talk to yourself just like you are going talk with your friends on which directions you are going”

Please think and reflect…

Find friend to be your MIRROR…

Beside the normal mirror we have at home, we need an alive mirror to look at ourselves, to look at who we are, to value who we are. An alive mirror is a person that you confide and trust, who can talk about us, our behaviour & attitude, our bad, our stupidity, stupid actions, our temper, who can talk bad about you, who would say a lot of other things to you.

We need someone who feels free to talk about yourself to your own selves, without hesitation, without fear, without feeling guilty that we will push them away. That means an alive mirror is a person who is very honest, confine, sincere who is not very close to us but you are sure that they can give their best opinion to us.

Would we be able to get someone like this? This is a character of our inner heart, mirror that can talk and not only showing off how we look like, how is your nose, how is your eyes, but gives us more than that. Alive mirror will tell us honestly who we are. IT will tell us how our heart is. If usually our outer heart always boast about our self, and inner heart say always loose, alive mirror can help to soothe our inner heart because inner heart is always sincere.

Where do we find this person, a person who can help us in knowing our OWN selves?

Find thousands friends, because thousand friends is not many; stay away from an enemy, because an enemy is a bit too many.


Now we are looking at the factors that the mirror should have where we should take them as a mentor or an alive mirror for us – place for us to refer, get an advice and very important is a place where we could refer who we are in the eyes of others?

He/ she should not be close to us, not a best friend, not a buddies, or even someone we sat down to have tea with us at the stalls, but we know him/ her. Just on the surface. Which doesn’t leave the feels of comfortableness.

This person suits to be our mentor or suitable to be the alive mirror. We can ask for an advice and ask about ourselves. This person would be able to tell us honestly because he/ she did not have any rights over us.

This person should not found in restaurant or stall and should not be someone we bought them food or lunch that he/ she will feel owing us anything.

He/ she must be:

* Not buddies but just knowing he/ her;

* Never been as gossiping friends;

* Honesty shown from his/ her face;

* Soft character and likes by many;

* Always goes to mosque and religious place

Difficult? Yes, to find this people like this. Take your time to find them because once you find them its like finding a pearl in a dessert.

Think about this: : “The reason to improve our attitude is to clean our soul from dirt, lust and anger until it become crystal clear like a mirror receiving lights from GOD”

Start the day Happily

Happy and cheerful are connected with heart feeling. We have to make our self happy and cheerful, everyday starting every morning. That is the switch. Only we knows the situation of our heart. Where it is and where are we leading it.

When we wake up what is the first thing appear from your heart?

Feeling lazy and don’t like to start the day. E.g upon wake up he/ she saying “Its Monday, why is it has to be Monday, why do I have to go to work” These people wont be happy and cheerful the whole day. He/ her has allow his/ her heart not to be happy and cheerful that day. Its like putting a gap for the heart from freely taking action, being active and smart.

Heart always communicate with mind. Whats in the heart, immediately sent to mind – automatically. Mind would act following from the heart or obeying the heart.

So, in order to make the day happy and cheerful, always start your day cheerfully.

Don’t give negative food to our heart in the morning, do it right, starting from now change it to be positive because, “Great mind, will add greater life, add more happiness”

Well folks..

Start your day positively so to make your life more happier and exciting. Emptied your heart and mind from anything negative and unwanted action and movement.

Take command of life from a clean soul and mind…

Good luck!!!

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