Friday, September 23, 2005

Just Another Day

Gagal memahami diriku sendiri,
tapi tidak pernah putus harapan
untuk terus berjuang dan berjuang....
Keluar dari kemelut ketidakpuasan hati...
Keluar dari rasa ketidakmampuan diri...
Keluar dari rasa kepuasan diri...

Im learning and will always learn...
The tempo may not be nice all the time...
Tho the dance fail to follow the rythm...
At least i tried to be one of a kind...

Semalam telah berlalu...
Hari ni di hadapi...
Esok mendatang tak perlu kuragui....
Kerana aku pasti esok...
Akan ada mentari...

There is sun to lighten up....
There is moon to light the nights...
There is air to breath...
There is a zone of comfort...

Believe in me...
Believe in you...
I will be there for you...

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