Managed to do 2 reports, one proposal, few filings but still my place is full of papers. ARgh I hate sight of those papers lying everywhere. I got no more place to keep it but well, I will have to get rid of it. The old reports has to be shred off. I just couldn’t find time to do it.
Today im suppose to meet kinchan and sahara at 7.15pm. Plus the traffic jam, I reach bangsar at 7.45pm. I call him before reaching bangsar, he was late too. Anyway it give time for him to talk to sahara.
I waited for them to come while waiting I deleted my messages which has consumed all the space. Tomorrow another fren will be joining us and it will add up more of mosin gang. I was laughing alone when my thoughts bring back the story and script post by kinchan in his blog about p.ramlee. And this afternoon he narrated another life story with more laughter and added voices and mimics. He said laughter makes you feel radiant, expression while talking is exercising face muscle.
Mamak in nirwana take my order and make an effort to talk. Frankly I cant understand what is he trying to say. The only thing I can make out is there is Thai restaurant opening nearby which serve seafood and its giving free meal today. He was talking with expression and his Indian slang and accent is very heavy. I smiled at him without saying anything and continue with what im doing before and I saw kinchan and sahara caming to my direction.
We ordered rojak, tosai and nasi goreng. All of them was eating but I make kinchan curious with the rojak taste. Phuh, im never good with spiciness. I cant stand it, he tried and sahara too and ordered “ice kosong tiga” he said. Hahahhahahaah I was laughing, I thought guys love pedas. This is extremely pedas. But he still like it, continuing eating slowly. I stopped, knowing it will make me feel worst and also leaving the burning sensation later.
Topics was all about general and things happen earlier. It makes me laugh again when he talks about the script, the movie, the squeaky voice. Hehheheheh kinchan im not good at narrating, or script writing so I leave this to u eh…
Everything is ok and smooth today. The best is, full of laughter. And my gf keep on reminding me “dah tulis surat farm” ;P ampunn belum, lepas tulis blog ni yek cik kucing…Since I remember now I better do it before I kena laser again tomorrow.
While blogging im watching ‘Unggu, Violet’. Love story between photographer and his model. Nice story, soothing, calming. While model is reaching on top, photographer is going to die of leukemia. Is it true, love is to let go? So all this while im telling this based on reality? Why other people in love but they are still together. I ask to much today. I wont drag nor brag about this now.
Eventually he died but leaving his eyes for her. She lost her sight due to the accident after an explanation of why he cant commit himself to her in the beginning of their relationship.
Life is not something we can anticipate nor expect there and then. Come what
may, take what comes there and then.
While I was on the way home from bangsar, I pass by few places which brings back my memory and thoughts of what happen before. It makes me smile and think. Why honesty creates more hypocrite and sincerity create more liars. But those things can never change me of being I am. Perhaps they have their reason why they choose to be hypocrite and liars.
Tepuk dada tanyalah nafsu bak kata orand moden, dimana orang lama kata beraja dimata bersultan dihati atau tepuk dada Tanya menu ek? Eh salah Tanya selera. Kekkekek mengarut la plak dah pagi.
Tapi kebenarannya adalah umpama siang dan malam, timur dan barat, langit dan bumi. Semuanya berpasangan. Allah maha adil diutuskan yang banyak cakap untuk pendiam, positif untuk yang negatif, aktif untuk si timid yang kaku dan kayu.
Which category am I eh? Tomorrow is another day ahead… Fasting month is coming soon. Will I expect the same things like those 3 years ago. Thought of traveling to Jakarta this time. Have to think about my kids. I cant pleased all now but well Langkawi will be a good treat for them. Insyaallah. Tomorrow budget for 2006 is going to be forecast live and then my own budgeting is next.
Taking consideration into Hari Raya, school books, uniforms, secondary fees I cant promise but insyaallah, god hear me please. I just need a lil space in between those to juggle. Please make them happy.
Perhaps it was my mistake for not being patience after ten years I want out of the marriage. After knowing im being used by everyone for a money machine. But I never felt that way during those days. I love to please, I love to entertain and I forgot I want to be pleased too, I want to be entertained too.
Yesterday night Widi told me his friend whom he introduced early this year do interested in me. But once knowing I have for girls he back up.
Man usually scared of commitment, fail to challenged themselves to fight the battle of life in terms of that. My eyes are always wide open to our prophet and respected him more than anything else in this life and after for he marrying those widows and single mom for the sake of helping in encouraging them to have faith in life.
Dimanakah letaknya iman kita umat junjungan kita? Pabila ingin berkahwin lebih ikut sunah nabi tetapi pabila tanggungjawab ditanya, kewangan tak stabil dijadikan alasan.
No matter how much you make in a day it will not be enough nor sufficient. Why? Because we are human. Being satisfied and satisfaction will never be there.
Well I have gone too far today. But that’s what I feel nowadays. When im single I pay, while I was married I paid too, then when im single again I still have to pay. It makes no difference to woman actually, because we always compromise of what HE has given us. Managing and able to put things on the table straight and accordingly for everyone. Cant those gender see that through. I leave it to all of you to think. The phenomenon now happens that most female prefer to stay single with career, money, and good lifestyle. Not being possessed by anyone nor have to ask permission to do anything they want. I guess that’s fair.
Currently Listening to:
Bintang Harapan : Yanti & Ronnie
Released date: 30th September 05:1.47am
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