Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Current mood: chipper
Category: Blogging

Mood: Chirrpy

I need a peacefull mind and thoughts when it comes to life commitment. Its not an easy task to perform nor to understand what commitment is. I was asked many time for my commitment in partnering issue. Most of the time I ignore it because time has never arise and I always have doubts for that.

It worries me a lot shall I not able to deliver or theres so high expectation over me. I am just a normal human being who seem to make mistakes there and then. Even most of the time I avoid it but no I am not able to anymore.

There is a space in me needed attention to be addressed. I was avoiding my needs and want in terms of partnership because I think I won't be able to deliver and accept the hicups should there be again. I know it is wrong to think that way but I cant help it.

Things that happen infront of me are so clear and does not make me comfortable with it. My current situation soothe me in my comfy zone but people keep on came knocking and giving. Taking is one thing but to be asked to be considered and reasonably can fit into my space and zone within my kids, families and frens are rare. So I have to give it a thought.

One or twice trying to avoid it but it lingers round and round. With the constant pace and the way of showing it, I cant be denying and resisting it. I'm trying hard to pleased me and never let anyone do it.

But I guess its about time I want to be pleased. Sensing its coming and having it felt over me was the whole new experience whereby this time I dont have to do much. I show off my uneasiness, my anger, my temper, my jovial part, my moodiness and everything without having problems but to accept the pampering, the mannering and so forth. It tasted good but I always reminded myself. He is on heels over me now, wait till the feel is gone or wait till well... assumption, assumption, assumption he said...

Well if the assumption is going to make me thind million times before commiting, I love to do that then. First of all when I commit myself to consider and have that thought shared, it took few weeks for him to adapt it and come back to me with a statement "give me sometime to resolve this problems". Whereby beforehand I challenged him with so many questions and consequences and conquest him on certain situation which needs tough answers to be addressed.

"The answer is yes, easy and it can be tackled... so long you give me your commitment" he said...
All those said are bullshit!!! Testing me are you??? U'll end up freaking out.

After that I just take what comes. Testing me with so many surprise and he was surprised when whatever he presented was then turnaround by me. He manage it well. Infact he has his way. Somehow he pass some test and fail some but then again it is fair to say that he is trying to prove me that relationship is worth to think again.

As for now I will keep eyeing on certain things that I need to and make sure I have the precaution measure 'ON' everytime. Enjoying his company while I have R to refer and other friends to juggle with was a good experience. Meantime, he and me deserve a chance to try. And if it is not working, at least, I'd try and have the experience and fond memories of it to treasure for being his friend, lover and female companion.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Kisah si Tukang Kayu (A Mirror to Reflect)

Mood: Calm

Terpanggil untuk membaca junk email yang di cc oleh seorang teman dari negara jiran. Pendahuluan amat simple seperti tidak mahu meneruskan pembacaan. Seperti biasa aku melangkaui batas pemerhatian terus kepada isi tengah dan terus membaca.

Isinya amat ringkas tetapi semakin dibaca amat mengesankan. Satu cerita ringkas yang memberi imbasan keatas diri sendiri tentang tujuan kehidupan, arah/ erti dan pencarian dan juga noktah kehidupan.

Begini Ceritanya :

Seorang tukang kayu tua bermaksud pensiun dari pekerjaannya di sebuah perusahaan konstruksi real estate. Ia menyampaikan keinginannya tersebut pada
pemilik perusahaan.

Ia ingin beristirahat dan menikmati sisa hari tuanya dengan penuh Kedamaian bersama istri dan keluarganya. Pemilik perusahaan merasa sedih kehilangan salah seorang pekerja terbaiknya.

Ia lalu memohon pada tukang kayu tersebut untuk membuatkan sebuah rumah untuk dirinya. Tukang kayu mengangguk menyetujui permohonan pribadi pemilik perusahaan itu.

Tapi, sebenarnya ia merasa terpaksa. Ia ingin segera berhenti. Hatinya tidak sepenuhnya dicurahkan. Dengan ogah-ogahan ia mengerjakan proyek itu. Ia cuma menggunakan bahan-bahan sekedarnya. Akhirnya selesailah rumah yang diminta oleh tuannya.

Hasilnya bukanlah sebuah rumah baik. Sungguh sayang ia harus mengakhiri kariernya dengan prestasi yang tidak begitu mengagumkan.

Ketika pemilik perusahaan itu datang melihat rumah yang dimintanya, ia menyerahkan sebuah kunci rumah pada si tukang kayu. "Ini adalah rumahmu, " katanya, "hadiah dari kami." Betapa terkejutnya si tukang kayu. Betapa malu dan menyesalnya.

Seandainya saja ia mengetahui bahwa ia sesungguhnya mengerjakan rumah untuk dirinya sendiri, ia tentu akan mengerjakannya dengan cara yang lain sama sekali. Kini
ia harus tinggal di sebuah rumah yang tak terlalu bagus hasil karyanya sendiri.

Itulah yang terjadi pada kehidupan kita. Kadangkala, banyak dari kita yang membangun kehidupan dengan cara yang membingungkan dan kurang bertanggung

Lebih memilih berusaha ala kadarnya ketimbang mengupayakan yang baik. Bahkan, pada bagian-bagian terpenting dalam hidup kita tidak memberikan yang terbaik.

Pada akhir perjalanan kita terkejut saat melihat apa yang telah kita lakukan dan menemukan diri kita hidup di dalam sebuah rumah yang kita ciptakan sendiri. Seandainya kita menyadarinya sejak semula kita akan menjalani hidup ini dengan cara yang jauh berbeda.

Renungkan bahwa kita adalah si tukang kayu. Renungkan 'rumah' yang sedang kita bangun.
Setiap hari kita memukul paku, memasang papan, mendirikan dinding dan atap.

Mari kita selesaikan 'rumah' kita dengan sebaik-baiknya seolah-olah hanya mengerjakannya sekali saja dalam seumur hidup.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Back in Peace

Released: 09 Nov 06
Mood: Calm

After a week break for Raya and a week off for company trip in Vietnam im back to office. My last Lucrin jab last 1st week November. Now my back ache and moods unstable. Eating habit not regular and consistent. Dad admitted yesterday and will be operated today. Have a chat with my brother yesterday with current situation after heated sms's two days in a row.

Ida broke a news of her visit to Mecca this year. Im glad she prompted me and reminded me of something that I always put on hold. Thank you dear friend. Sarah and Rozie called after so long break of not meeting each other while Lina keep on reminding me on Hari Raya gathering on Sunday. Planned to cook on Saturday nite but unfortunately not many people can turn up. Suddenly R shocked me with a question on her ex hb told her friend that Im getting married in December. I laughed and at the same time wondering who the hell of the story teller.

All in all Lebaran has just given me a new colours and beginning. The renewal was so good as I am enjoying every minute of it. Of course with some hicups but certainly the book of life change page each day.

Here are some picts that i can upload for all of you. All this beautifull pictures are treasured in my mind and soul as each corner in the world captured the beauty of the maker itself to make us fond of what we found along the way.

Back in Peace

Released: 09 Nov 06
Mood: Calm

After a week break for Raya and a week off for company trip in Vietnam im back to office. My last Lucrin jab last 1st week November. Now my back ache and moods unstable. Eating habit not regular and consistent. Dad admitted yesterday and will be operated today. Have a chat with my brother yesterday with current situation after heated sms's two days in a row.

Ida broke a news of her visit to Mecca this year. Im glad she prompted me and reminded me of something that I always put on hold. Thank you dear friend. Sarah and Rozie called after so long break of not meeting each other while Lina keep on reminding me on Hari Raya gathering on Sunday. Planned to cook on Saturday nite but unfortunately not many people can turn up. Suddenly R shocked me with a question on her ex hb told her friend that Im getting married in December. I laughed and at the same time wondering who the hell of the story teller.

All in all Lebaran has just given me a new colours and beginning. The renewal was so good as I am enjoying every minute of it. Of course with some hicups but certainly the book of life change page each day.

Here are some picts that i can upload for all of you. All this beautifull pictures are treasured in my mind and soul as each corner in the world captured the beauty of the maker itself to make us fond of what we found along the way.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Category: Blogging

Released: 190906
Mood: Alert

It has to be constant change or other wise you won't be changing at all. Courage is what I dont have now. Ask me to do the toughest job, insyaallah I'll find a mechanism to work it out, ask me to fix things in the house insyaallah I'll find a right tools to fix it, ask me to jump from one place to another insyaallah I will find ways to be there, ask me anything but not a marriage proposal.

"What's wrong with you"
"I dont know..."
"He is certain....
"But im not..."
"What else do you want?"
"I dont know"
"What else he dont have?"
"He got it everything..."
"Then what is not right then?"
"Me..... I cant convince myself I will make him happy as he think I would, although I think he would make me happy, he prove me before, he prove me now and still trying to convinced me tomorrow. Do you think he ever give up"
"Im not sure Na...its depending on what you want"

Was I needing a partner badly? Was I so lonely? Was I bad financially? Was I not having company as in family or kids? Was I not supported enough by friends? Was I not having enough love around me be it from girlfriends, siblings, boyfriends, relatives and etc? Was I stingy to pour my love to anyone? Was I not doing what I wanted to do?

He understand it all of what I have left, what I'm pacing around now and what I am looking forward next. He knows it all because he has been there hearing me punching or pouring the words and he was there to nurture and cherish all the pain that I pour for him to listen, for him to lend his shoulder to lean.

Day by day I was leaning closer, mingling around like a kitten getting his full attention and love. He is pouring it unconditionally without saying anything more nor less. He know I dont like to be pushed, nor being posses, he knows I will turn to him as and when I need him and will say no when he cant.

Thats what has started as friends and slowly changed as close for the emotional feel to bond us together. I was split into two in between friends and turning it into a lover but HOW?

Those comfortable zone I created for him was actually reversed now. Just like what I wanted. Would I let it ruined just because Im confused?

"I leave it to you to decide dear.... I dont know how else I can prove you... You stop me from seeing your parents, you stop me from sending my people to your house...Think.... Take your time..."
"How long can you wait?"
"I hope not long"
"Why?" still testing him to the max which I know the answer within
He keep quiet, turning his face away hiding his feelings. I know I hurt him but to convince me of tomorrow that I wasnt sure, is really hard. He knows many is coming to the way waiting for my opening at anytime it strikes my mood to say yes. He knows that my moods and colours always varies at times but he knows if Im treated right the bright colours was never failed to capture peoples mind and attention. With that I reserve the possibility of them to come in nearer, closer.

There is few in mind which I have already make my thinking of opening, or just tickling or rather make em feel more comfortable but not looking for possibility of being a lover. *sigh* Difficult indeed because once im in it I wont be able to turn back but to accept.

And with that I remember the chat with an Australian guy last week of my believe in our faith and god. He was so certain that god is within us only if we really know how to find the real us and accepting HIM in the daily life and believe of what happen to ourself are actually derive by what we do.

I know the answer is already there it is just the time for my opening to embark the new life. Life is a game and the ten rules applies. And if Love is a game too then the adventure is within us who is willing to accept the challenge to go through it.

I will have to consider many quest and options which may come within sooner or later.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pride and Prejudice OR Proud without Prejudice

Current mood: cheerful
Category: Blogging
Mood: Proud

People always relate looks with attitude and behaviour.

The skin, the look, the way they carry themselves always been observe and judge. Be it male or female. Why people are so judgemental?

Even close friend. My take is, human have got their strengths and weaknesses. Individuals comes in a package of what they are. I have no say on that but to take them as it is.

This came from a short question "what do you think of him being my future husband?". My daughter, as a close example said this "not suitable lah ibu". I smiled and already had that answer within my mind. I probe her further…

"Why darling?"….

"He is dark mom, and you are fair…."

"So?? You father was dark too and so do all of you…."

She smiled, unable to answered further and I hugged her and explained. The outer skin is not what matter in a person. It is where your attitude and behaviour is much more important than the colour that you seen in a person. Your heart is what matter most.

One marriage and three times lover with charisma, looks and own integrity failed to prove me looks are what they are. Pleasant to see, nice to be with aren't giving you definite happiness and suitability as a partner. They are fragile yet as vulnerable as women are.

Women are tougher than them. Proven and endorsed by many superb mom in the world. Although they have to raised the kids alone they are still survivor and looking forward for tomorrow. That's what I call "Proud & without Prejudice".

Back to "Pride & Prejudice" it came with a price. The walk with the look full of pride and people look and being prejudice. By showing good look, it portrays good behaviour, attitude and charisma. How true it is?? Look up and ask yourself.

Even my best friend commented this "3 months for him to get fairer?" Yes, it hurts me but that's her personal views. They are even school mates during their school days. When I probe her further she did not answer me. Noted her sincerity and honesty and I moved on. While the other says not suitable comparing my personality and his, before knowing the real him. She just know him from the surface.

I was interrogated and asked many questions but I answer to the best I know. And he keep on pestering for my decision. I need time to find out the honesty and sincerity. Today I was shut up again by things that he wants to do. I just need a prove not anymore talk over things which has wasted my time.

If this is a tough testament to you, yes indeed it is. I trust guys no more. Prove me, tell me I'm wrong with reasons to believe. I'll give you my hand. Lets walk together along the path of life. If you like to talked it over, share with me and aim the goal to come nearer. Ill hold your hand, lets cherish it, lets nurture and and if it doesn't happen after we tried, I don't mind afterall, I have given me myself a chance and you have taste the bitterness of the path that we walk through.

A chance indeed is what I am giving me and you.

Prove me, that's all.


Thursday, September 07, 2006


Category: Romance and Relationships

Released: 080906
Mood: Quizicall

Not sure.... thats the words of my feelings.
Question posted was left unanswered, just as yet.
I need to do ground checked and lots of digging work to do.

1. Sense of Responsibility
2. Sense of Humour
3. Sense of Loving
4. Sense of Labourship
5. Sense of Freindship
6. Sense of Respect
7. Sense of Honour
8. Sense of Logic
9. Sense of Maturity
10. Sense of Commitment

And my list can go on forever. You will feel bored but its amused me somehow. The more I take it, the more it blends in me softly, lovingly and caressing my life.

People said I made things so complex, like seing horror movie. The difficulties are made to make a simple life once everything is sorted when you are made to be mine. Past is lesson, learnings makes one matured and wise. The complexity makes me whom I am today and no matter how hard the case is, I am able to stand strong and walk through my destiny.

Im coming to the end soon? Yes, when I have made the decision.

Marry or not to marry? :-)


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Scent of Trusting

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Released: 060906
Mood: shaky

Ive been quiet for the past 2 weeks...
Why??? Consoling, encapsulating, invigorating my mind into a new path again. A change of lane. Why be in a same path which offers nothing. I have to move on. Time is getting shorter. For me, my kids and future.

Alhamdullillah I took it simpler and not harder like the last. Give a notion, signal and waited for the light to change but they aint any colours strikes. So I move on.

My best fren wedding was the most glamourous after Datuk K and CT. She was beautiful, astonishing and sweet. To "Tee and Roslee" CONGRATULATIONs, semoga berkekalan keanak cucu.

While the other was officially divorced for the second time. Perhaps theres a blessing besides the separation. She is now more happy and focused and not to mentioned enjoying the name of freedom and happy life with people around her. To "R", redhalah dalam menerima setiap percubaan dan dugaan yang dianugerahinya.

While me? Many things happens. Yup. Managing my children most importantly who look forward to Auntie Glamour's wedding of the year. Family bondage getting better and friends who has been there always to boost support and motivate.

Love life... I have to put it a stop. Its too pain for him to go through the difficulties. No, not that I dont love him. Because I do I have to let him go back to his wife and family. Hearing her voice, hearing her mumbling. I know theres something wrong in their marriage, in her and him. Not just one party. Marriage is sharing, both has to share emotional bondage, difficulties, happiness, consequences, anything that comes up there and then along the journey of life.

Hurt, sad, or happy, am I not feeling that when I have to let go? I do, yes, but I have to be sincere to myself. In order for me to be happy I cant live in another person misery. If he cant stand for me, behind me or being a supporter to me, can I be his shadow behind all the plan and fantasies we have in future. Obsolutely not. Go on stabilise your life. I will be fine. Insyaallah god willing.

And when comes to that, a fren who has been there always swept me from the downfall by listening, encouraging, boosting, motivating and advising suddenly tickle me with a statement "Farm, I symphatize with you". I was stunned then was laughing. "Hoi, since when you know how to talk like this?" Being me, we talk, we argue, we laugh, we shared a good time karaokeing, teh tariking, gathering, kenduri's and etc. Never that I thought he would say things like that. In a row of the week he has been there pacifying, talking, rambling, scolding and yet pouring how he feels when he saw these people making use of me while I'm there.

It was like a slap and also dreaming in a day light when he asked me "what do you actually want and what do you want in a man?"... Eh mamat tak de kene mengenanya soklan kamu tu dengan apa yang aku hadapilah. Apasal you ni?"...

He has been trying to fix date for me despite my ignorance, but with his presence I agree to meet his fren few times. It doesnt give me any feel altho we can be frens, I can say good frens but I dont and cant take them as closer and he wants me to be. At last he, himself after being with me almost everyday, he broke the silence "I never feel in love like I do with you". My eyes almost pop out, my heart stop beating, I feel shallow and I thought I am going to vomit or faint.

He is falling for me? Hello did I hear it correctly? Yes, sms, call, meeting make us very close just like Im having my gfs with me. I feel safe, I feel good, I feel everything. I like to tease, not just him. Natural flirt, some would say, it was just for stimulation of brains and mind. Not that I think it would be taken seriously and it does mean something for him.

And 2 days ago I was proposed again and that makes me so confused. Commitment scares me?? I want to be love and loved but yet im scared I would failed again. To give is nothing, to expect is something. Would I deliver, would I be getting the right things Ive asked for. I leave it to him. A fren of mine suggesting "Istikharah" and give myself a chance until June next year.

I will have to settle my case with Naz and Im moving. To accept or not I will have to let time decide for me beside seeking solace in HIM to guide me. I hope he is the right one for me as Ive seen the quality and prove which is not just coincidence.

Restui aku....


Friday, August 25, 2006

Scent of LOVE... the Final

Current mood: cheerful
Category: Romance and Relationships

Released : 250806
Mood: Cheerio

Its pretty obvious to address a need in you while having relations be it friendship or an affair. Look would play a very good role in attracting individual appeal. Daily life is teaching us many things if we think and realise what happens.

Keanu Reeves look so cool, Richard Gere look so damn sexy, Jon Claude Van Damme look so masculine. But behind what they have we cant have what we want in a MAN. Sexy look dont provide passion, Cool dont mean we are going to be comfortable, Masculine wont provide security. If you think about it one by one, you would find the answer why I said this.

I am going to speak thru experience of being with these 3, I should say. Big masculine guy cant really stand for you when you need them to be firm with some situation which needs emotions, while sexy guy can only be passionate but cant provide you the masculinity or security that you want and cool guy needs to be hold in doing many things. Gosh! it's so difficult to get all in one.

I never expect anything all in one should I choose to be in one person. What ever they can be when they are with me that makes them very special on their very own way. If I need other than what they can provide I will turn to someone who has that quality and not jeorpadising nor making them look ugly in their way. I deal it my way, and so it will be fair to me, him or anybody.

Coming back to the look as I said, it will never promise you anything. It's always coming back of what YOU want rather than what he can provide. You got the look, theres no money nor security. You got the security but he looks like a mafia bombers. Which is more scary?

To me, looks may fade but being whom he is and be honest of what he can give and what not, are far safer and soothing than anything else. Beside never expect something that is not in you and he will understand that what is in him that he can offer so far. Be fair to yourself in order to be fair to your partner.

Lesson that I take after so many friendship and relations has made me wiser n more understanding of what human being are. To love him is by loving yourself more than anything else.

August has thought me a very good lesson and be kinder in life of understanding what love is. LOVE come from every direction and form.

I can still love him no matter how hurtful it is when he stabbed me from behind or thru anything else. For the fact I dont impose rules but rationality that make him think at the very end of day, I let him go because I love him and want him to be happier than he is with me. And with that GOD will send me someone better than he is. Im blessed and always thankful HE made me open up my eyes and made me WIDE awake even when I have to cry somehow.

I will only make my decision when the junction is only rather this or that. For now I will pour my love to whom needing without any condition and boundaries. And I am taking what they are offering for a good intention and openness.

And here I am to offer so much love to whom who would want to share with me be it in the form of friendship or ................

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Scent of Honour

Released: 230806
Mood: Mixture of Rojak, Cappucino, Maggi, Belacan etc...


I am not sure whether im sulking or i am retaliating. But something for sure i know if you are definite about something or someone you wont have to lie, running away or even being scared you would do wrong things. You would be able to take the challenge and go for it no matter things ahead you are unsure nor certain. Yup, people would say when you meet a jucntion where you dont know or hesitate which is which. That is when god was the best help besides instinct which helps you better.

I get through that somehow. Gradually, significantly and finally. Allah i seek for help, i seek for mercy and i seek for blessings. I got it all. Thank you .... ALLAH answer PRAYERS in 3 ways... HE says YES and GIVES you what you want, HE says NO and GIVES you something BETTER, HE says WAIT and GIVES you the BEST in HIS own time...Have faith

And so it was then becoming mine in my own way. No matter how good you are up to in putting up your words the reality will come thru. Having to hear her talking and rambling over the phone for few minutes is enough.

You lead in your world, you lead in your kingdom, you want the respect but you have to respect you yourself by delivering. I guess i 've said enough , showed enough, hold you together enough and waited long enough. You want it you prove it. Remember you not only owed me an explaination but also something belongs to people who deserve it better.

You know whom im talking about. I dont want to be a coward anymore , one day i might just pop up out of nowhere to ask from you and tell her who is me, Ramlah and what I intend to do. Meantime i let god decide for me. As for you , you decide. I want to carry on with my life. If its happen there is a way and im free then lets ride the boat together in this nasty current and wave but if happen you come the boat has left the answer is in your hand why the boat left you.

I love you always, deep and you got all my word about this.
I miss you blend in my pain...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Scent of Friendship and Trust

Current mood: cheerful
Category: Friends

Released: 210806
Mood: Gotcha!!!

There has been two testament came today which turns out to be so sweetly than I think off.

A friend is still a fren and will not change to be a monster like we used to think. As for me the truths will always be a truth that can't be easily denied. And it proves me right again.

I had a very pressured weekend last week with a lot of stress and heavy workload and at the end turns out very well by the end of Friday nite. We were having loads of fun right through the wee hours.

Next day, breakfast in Mandarin Oriental with a friend for a meeting and lunch in Klang for a change of menu and kg recipe. Talking about it making me smiling. Tempoyak!! Say that again yeah Tempoyak for lunch and coffee to perk up after the good meal was good.

Two hours entertainment after coffee and then to Bandar Tasik Selatan to collect some document and pick my kids then we are off to watch a movie.

I had a full day with laughter, learnings, and sadness covered all in one. Drifting off around midnite n woke up at almost 4am. Am thinking again of all the things happen lately which passing by like a screen one after another. On my phone and start replying few messages ignored during the daytime.
Some who is still up keep on smsing till i gave up n wave goodbye.

There is still people who stands by you at time you dont think they would. Never ever think you are always alone. No you are not, not at all. By 10 next day Widi sms thought i had missed the jogging session which he does without me. Later than we met for breakfast and had my car serviced. Off i took my kids for the routine outings and this time to Sg Wang. What a mistake!

Resting for few hours and off again to do my chores and got myself a movie ticket for the Lake House movie. He was there keeping me company since Friday nite, whole Saturday, Sunday morning and break daytime and again with the movie. I was starting to ask myself, what kind of friend who stand by you at anytime you need it most. For every question i'd asked, i've always had an answer.

And the question I'd asked to myself last two days answered today about the next step. A new beginning has just begun when she called me at 11.40am and the new Ramlah from Segambut appears in the picture.

As adviced if I want to make a decisiom than I have to go through the hardest stage. And I will have an answer and decide later.

"Tak guna jika aku berwasangka buruk dan tak mengapa kalau aku dikatakan bodoh jika tidak mengesyaki sesuatu". Determination and trust on the instinct was the best deal I've always had. God has been helping all this while with the answers and question I had for HIM.

To my dearest fren who had a newborn baby few days ago, CONGRATULATIONS. May the joy and happiness filled in their life with the arrival of the baby of tomorrow. May the couple and the sibblings shared the laughter and joy and be blessed.

Signing of...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Because of you

My feet dance more lightly
because of you

My heart beats more strongly
because of you

My eyes see more clearly
because of you

My mouth smiles more easily
because of you

And I will love you always
because you are you

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sweet Flashback

Apa juga yang terjadi, itulah adalah pilihanku. Masih menyimpan ingatan padanya biarpun berbelas tahun lamanya aku cuba melupakan kisah yang pernah terjadi dalam lipatan hidupku.

Bagaimana aku mengenalinya? Dari teman-temanku juga. Watak, cara, gaya dan kebisuannya. Hanya dari ekor pandanganku aku menelusuri dirinya. Jazz, YSL bau yang tidak terlupakan olehku. Mungkin dipakai jua oleh orang lain tapi amat sinonim dengan dirinya.

Ketika tangan sasanya merangkul pinggangku, menarikku dekat dalam rangkulannya dari belakang. Satu perasaan yang tidak dapat kugambarkan dalam tulisan maupun luahan. Bau yang menyatu dengan dirinya. Dengan elusan jejarinya menari ketanganku memberiku satu perasaan yang tidak pernah kuberitahu walau padanya sekalipun.

Kini aku hanya mampu mengimbau kembali saat itu. Disaat alunan musik bergema, disaat teman bergelak ketawa, disaat pemuda pemudi rancak tenggelam dengan irama. Aku dibawa jauh dalam ilusi didalam pelukan tangan sasa yang hingga kini kurindu. Hanya itu yang dapat kulakukan kini.

Dia tidak lagi memanggilku dengan nama sayang, dia tidak lagi mengusik, dia tidak lagi memanggilku ‘bucuk’. Kala ini airmataku gugur merinduinya. Aku tahu aku tak mungkin mengapai awan tetapi aku masih ingin melawan arus, mengapai pelangi. Namun pelangi hilang setelah mentari bersinar penuh menyinari kehidupannya yang penuh dengan gelak tawa anak-anak dan tersayang.

Sedang aku tersasar sendiri, sepi melayan perasaan yang tak karuan. Kau… yang dulu kedinginan, tak lagi keseorangan, kau… datang dalam hidupku menyalakan harapan baru...

Tersungkur dalam dakapan rindu dan terus menjalin awan agar ia terus ceria menyinari semua yang memerlukannya

Do or Not to Do IT

Category: Bitching
Released: 160806
Mood: OK

I have this thoughts in the back of my mind everytime I went out with my girl friend.

Women indeed love to shop, splashing herself with nice parfum, walking tall with branded shoes, stylishly holding expensive handbags, winking behind gorgeous tinted sunglasses, swaying left and right with her glittering outfit.

Yes indeed, she looks so cool, outrageous and beautiful. Behind all those there is someone who has to pay for all she wears. Its either she wore for him or for potential victims who are not stingy to pay.

Im not talking specifically about single women but generally all. Wife, mistress, girlfriends, sisters, moms anybody namely women. But for those who spend it with her own money excuse me for being obnoxious here.

Her statement to me was (a wife to a man of course) "if i dont spend his money, who do you think he will spend it off". She was speaking with her jealousy over a woman who is trying to fish her husband despite her being 10% times more good looking than that particular girl.

It was always a women who was the one to spend the hard earn money of a man. Namely father, husband, boyfriend, brother or etc. But for a jerk of course not he will take rather than give. For this kind of bastards then you know what you should do.

She was trying to approach me and wooing me to people which was to me is just another passing time hallucination. Anyway just smiling I went along so that I wont be pestered all the time with my own barriers and limitation.

Has been always giving example to another fren whom always on the go everynite meeting, clubbing and having jolly good time spending and having fun doesn’t really excite me.

At the end of the day I had to ask her again “put yourself in the husband’s wife, would you like your husband money to be spent on other people?”. I know with this question, I always make my frenz throw me out for a while and later when it comes to sense they came back like nothing happen.

Who doesn’t like to spend, who doesn’t want to have all the luxuries in life. At least if one work on it hard or smart and use it for the right purpose I’m sure every one doesn’t have to cry over the situation of using nor being used.

Again the question is always back to you. You want to do it, then go for it.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Apa juga yang terjadi, itulah adalah pilihanku. Masih menyimpan ingatan padanya biarpun berbelas tahun lamanya aku cuba melupakan kisah yang pernah terjadi dalam lipatan hidupku.

Bagaimana aku mengenalinya? Dari teman-temanku juga. Watak, cara, gaya dan kebisuannya. Hanya dari ekor pandanganku aku menelusuri dirinya. Jazz, YSL bau yang tidak terlupakan olehku. Mungkin dipakai jua oleh orang lain tapi amat sinonim dengan dirinya.

Ketika tangan sasanya merangkul pinggangku, menarikku dekat dalam rangkulannya dari belakang. Satu perasaan yang tidak dapat kugambarkan dalam tulisan maupun luahan. Bau yang menyatu dengan dirinya. Dengan elusan jejarinya menari ketanganku memberiku satu perasaan yang tidak pernah kuberitahu walau padanya sekalipun.

Kini aku hanya mampu mengimbau kembali saat itu. Disaat alunan musik bergema, disaat teman bergelak ketawa, disaat pemuda pemudi rancak tenggelam dengan irama. Aku dibawa jauh dalam ilusi didalam pelukan tangan sasa yang hingga kini kurindu. Hanya itu yang dapat kulakukan kini.

Dia tidak lagi memanggilku dengan nama sayang, dia tidak lagi mengusik, dia tidak lagi memanggilku ‘bucuk’. Kala ini airmataku gugur merinduinya. Aku tahu aku tak mungkin mengapai awan tetapi aku masih ingin melawan arus, mengapai pelangi. Namun pelangi hilang setelah mentari bersinar penuh menyinari kehidupannya yang penuh dengan gelak tawa anak-anak dan tersayang.

Sedang aku tersasar sendiri, sepi melayan perasaan yang tak karuan. Kau… yang dulu kedinginan, tak lagi keseorangan, kau… datang dalam hidupku menyalakan harapan baru, sungguh aku terharu dengan pengorbanan mu, rela terbakar demi sebuah cinta. Kau lilin cintaku, memberi nafas baru didalam dunia hatiku yang kegelapan….

Tersungkur dalam dakapan rindu dan terus menjalin awan agar ia terus ceria menyinari semua yang memerlukannya

Monday, August 14, 2006

Scent of Understanding

Released: 140506
Mood: Calm

Not that I have lost the passion to write but time is too limited and as soon as I reached home theres another figure waiting for my attention besides freinds who need to be attended to.

Weeks past so fast without leaving any moment without doing nothing. A drive down to Mahkota Hotel, Melaka for the Maggi Roadshow was good. I wasn't feeling that good when I left KL hence that makes me taking the offer to go, otherwise I stay put beside my body condition and tiredness not allowing anyform of travelling. But then I'm happy I took the risk of going and be with people around me besides having her for the Maggi project.

While she give her speech I made a walk to Mahkota Parade as usual trying to amuse me with the people around and things surround me are so happening upbeat. While walking tried calling an acquaintance whom I'd love to see since I guess quite long too since my last visit which i cant remember at all now. Darn!!!

While sipping my hot chocolate and having my doughnut, I kept thinking what are the next move that should be taken. Mom called while I was drifting with an ideas and suggestion. It wasnt my real mother though but at least I can talk to her and pour my heart out.

With that advice, I'm keeping everything just like I had 15 years ago and let it roam with the time and let him decide. Patience is all I need beside giving my full attention to my kids and also current situation that need to be addressed and taken care of.

Not regreting of what happen but taking it with all my open heart and mind. It may be a blessing in disguise besides giving him the time, space and chance to look at what he is planning and doing.

May all of us are still intact in his guidance and my pray and dreams will come true at the end of the day.

Looking forward for tomorrow never fail to spark a smile...

Thank you mak.

Untukmu berada kekallah di hatiku. Tak terbetik dihatiku ini ingin menukar ganti. Utuhlah kau disitu sehingga waktu menentukan....

Aku tetap rindu padamu...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Suratan yang Ditentukan Kini.....

Released: 100806
Mood: Shaky

Category : Pouring

Menipulah aku jika dikatakan aku tak terasa dan tak ambil hati sikitpun atas reaksi yang diberikan padaku. Bagaimana aku menerimanya? Aku sendiri tak tahu dalam lembut ada kasar dalam diam ada marah dalam ketawa ada tanggisan yang tak terucap yang tersekat dikerongkong tanpa dapat diluahkan.

Aku melarikan diri dari anak-anak kerana tak sanggup menjawab soalan tanpa jawapan. Jawapan yang tiada padaku menyebabkan aku sendu sendiri, tak mengerti apa yang perlu ku lakukan. Menyibukkan diri dengan kerja dan juga teman yang mungkin perasan.

Seminggu yang lepas aku di tegur T, dengan perubahan diriku. Namun aku menafikannya. Dikala aku begini selalunya aku melarikan diri dari teman. Aku tak mahu teman tahu yang aku dirundung kesedihan. Tidurku dikunjungi satu wajah yang selalu ingin kubuang jauh dari hati kerana hubungan terlarang ini menyakit kan aku, dia dan ramai lagi.

Dari menyakiti hatinya, dia dan semua yang dekat dengannya aku jadi begini. Aku rasa bersalah dan tertekan. Dengan sikapnya yang melarikan diri dari panggilan, sms dan itu nyata bagiku yang dia mahukan dirinya semula untuk isteri anak dan familinya.

Maka aku pasrah dan redha dalam ketentuan MU demi masa depan dia dan familinya. Aku rela menjadi penanti sepi semula. Aku rela menelan airmata dari menyebabkan ramai yang menanggis.

Hati mana yang tak terhiris, luka dan sedih. Namun itu lah ketentuan "Suratan atau Kebetulan"

Maafkanlah diriku kerana menyayangi dirimu...

Friday, August 04, 2006



After watching this movie I was so thrilled to write about this blog. Of how I feel towards it screenplay and associating it to me. It really drive me crazy and there is kind of different feeling when I relates it to me. It started from here something like dreams and supernatural psycho impact rushing to adrenaline.

Come on lick me baby! Make me feel different. Away from the norms, away from kindness, away from softkind of feelings. Make me sleeky, wittier, sleazy and wicker. Im ready to roam in the heat and squirm in the ice.”

Next I feel ditch by the way she sway her ass, by the way she walk confidently, by the way her tounge lashing, by the way her eyes lurking,
by the way her voice growl, god I feel she is so sexy, bitchy and notty.

She has a rival. One and only. And we can see the difference. Like heaven an
d earth. But she don’t care for she knows who she is, what she wants.

Im wishing someday I would have part of her courage to turn wild, witty and courages enough to explore myself, life and the world. Can’t wait to change farmgirl to be CATWOMAN. Meoowwww………


Released: 040806
Mood: Kicking
Listening to: Jiwa Gelora


My little pretty corner was spacious and cool. I got to do my own things, choose what i want, and few other things that need to be done for the new place. Now im located in one of the prestige commercial building.

The new office look so cozy , warm and welcoming outside and very cool inside with the office layout. It has two feelings as you enter the reception and the waiting area. The conference room was handsomely furnish with two sofa's and big conference table with a warm inviting colour.

Pantry are located just outside the confreence room for serving purpose when we have Focus Group Discussion. Client observation room are painted with red and black and white tiles. Now that it has sofa and a cofee table for them to have debriefing before and after the group.

There is four rooms at the back for the Senior Executie, Operation Manager, Freelance Associates and MD's. The Associate Director room was located just behind the reception area.

MD and I had a discussion yesterday about my appraisal and improvement that was noted by both parties. Addressing areas which need to be improved and amending the weakness and praising improvement made since back then.

I was so busy working 7 days a week for the past 2 week and hoping this week would be my last 7 days week job. I got what I want and Im searching for a better tomorow. Thank you GOD for blessing me in any way. Alhamdullillah....

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Awaited Birth

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Mood: Puzzled!!!

Released: 020806

Strange but true!!!

She came to me three days ago saying her great grandmother want to take her away but she refused and the refusal makes her acted strangely by not talking to mom for that particular three days. Yesterday morning she wake up and prompted mom of her blood stain. She was rushed to hospital when mom said "its time for labor"

Normal check-up was made and every test was done. Every one was shocked when the doctor burst a statement ...

"You are not pregnant!!! There is no baby, theres no sound of heart beat, there is nothing in your womb. Its clean!!!"

She was devastated, hurt, sad and she feel pain urging to her veins, stomach, feelings!!! She was quiet, consoling herself. Everyone around was so frantic asking all sorts of questions and sometime unthinkable but that was the facts. It is the first in my family.

Later I heard from her father "kami dari keturunan Puteri Saadong". So then one story after another and I make my own slow move with so many thoughts in mind relating to the dreams and also the reason why she came to me three days ago.

"Hanya ALLAH yang mengetahui HAQnya dan hanya DIA yang menentukan apa yang ingin di berikanNYA"


Friday, July 28, 2006

The Blinking Thoughts

Category: Blogging

Released: 280706
Mood: Quizicall

Can we change you???
Can we change ourself???

I take the easiest one, which is changing me. No point in asking them, him or you to change. If it does not derive from oneself it will never work. Not yesterday, now, today, tomorrow or never. It comes from ownself. Thats for sure!!

Boosting, motivating and urging!! That's about all you can do to make it up being supporting to everyone around you. To expect the better?? You never know... To be safe expect for the worst. It will guide you with more options and take the opportunity arise as a challenge that come by.

And be blessed if it is what you expect if not find another way. Never give up for tomorrow will surely brings sunshine unless HE says otherwise....




Released: 270706
Mood: Calm

Persistent!!! Something that I hate to stand by or next to you. Not only you, anyone else. I would make my way far from your vision or illusion. You have become a legend. God help me please. I dont want to make another people hurt by me.

What I have for Naz will remain. Whether we make it or not. Now I begin to understand what HE meant by "if its meant for you, it will be yours". And with that I continue with what I have and enjoy of what I am offered.

Cherishing the moment we had before, yesterday and may be tomorrow. Nurturing my heart with the thoughts and love that comes almost every night.



Category Blogging

Mood: Contented

Tidak semestinya cinta ada penghujung, tak semua kehidupan berakhir dengan kebahagian atau kedukaan. Yang penting adalah perjalanan kehidupan itu sendiri. Bagaimana kita menangani dan menghindari yang mendatang dan didatangkan dalam bentuk dugaan atau juga penghargaan.

Manis pahit kehidupan adalah intisari yang amat indah bagi setiap makhluk rasakan. Tapi tak semua insan dapat mentafsirkan apakah itu sehingga mata dicelikkan oleh rasa ketaqwaan dan keimanan mengharungi sesuatu dugaan ciptaan tuhan.

Apakah menang jutaan wang loteri sebagai satu persembahan atau penghargaan? Sesuatu yang akan membuat hidup kita berubah dalam sekelip mata. Dan dikala itu datang pula Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri, saudara mara yang tak pernah kita kenal, handai taulan, rakan dan sekutu. Dari rumah kecil berubah ke singgahsana istana.

Dapatkah kita melihat itu satu penghargaan atau percubaan maupun dugaan??? Hanya mata hati kita yang akan nampak dan melihat keseluruhan ruang yang tercipta dari situ. (Bukalah matamu melihat keindahan ku maupun celakaku)

Allah maha pemurah dalam memberi. "Mintalah padaku tanpa rasa ragu, akan ku perkenankan" cuma kita lupa apa yang diminta hanyalah solat lima waktu, menghindar yang mungkar, melakukan kebaikan. Amat kecil permintaan nya dibandingkan permintaan kita umatnya.

Aku telah lari dari tajuk sebenar. Pencarian mengenali, menghargai erti cinta, kasih dan sayang sangat besar. Datang dari segala sudut, waktu dan ruang. Hanya mereka yang mengenali diri, hati dan keinginan akan menemui apa yang dicari.

Telah kutemui kini dan hanya DIA yang akan menentukan ketentuan akhiran cerita manusia, dunia dan akhirahnya.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Unmistaken Love

Current mood: contemplative
Released: 260706

Men are a HUNTER. They are good at that. They have style, way and goal how to achieve it.

I'm not looking, but they will look for me. Enjoying it at every corner now and putting myself into mute mode. All the angles brings a lot of colours and joy altho pain is not forgotten, but all in all it is sweet in a way. To know, to object, to follow, to let go altho some are not indespensable.

The answer gotten yesterday and my next action follows. Taken and not owned thats what I am.

Legend and history 20 years ago hunting and keep on pacing the beat I'm beating. Being irresistible and pushing till one short note given, I want to be who I am now, ALONE but my heart is taken.

I know he is sad but I better be honest to myself. I know you love me since way back, I know your mom object our relations hence you married another girl. Tho you are not happy but then I was not meant for you.

I reserve myself for my kids and him that was now on silent mode due to some circumstances. Which is better for me and him.

As for Zul, I'm sorry may be when god says yes, when he says I should turn to you, I'll be there for you. As for now please mend things with her. Kids needs you.

Me??? I will be safe in HIS hand. HE knows better what for me and I know better what I want. Definitely it is not you. Im sorry....


Friday, July 21, 2006



Category : Pouring

Sayang dikala aku dikelabui perasaan rindu, semalamku yang kutinggalkan selama 20 tahun kembali merona awan dilangit mengamit awan, merintis bintang, menyelar pelangi, menyerlah bumi dan menyelak rasa hati...

Tiba-tiba ia hadir setelah hilang selama 20 tahun. Sedang kau hanya 15 tahun yang lampau. Namun apa yang aku ada sekarang hanya jiwa kosong, hampa, luka, tersasar kedasar impian yang tak sudah...

Aku mula membenci pertalian, membenci penantian, aku menyusur langkah santai kedaerah sepi mencari ketenangan. Aku lebih tenang begini,senang, damai tanpa berperang dengan perasaan. Mereka in mencintaiku?? Biarkan… Mereka ingin meraihku??? Biarkan… Mereka ingin mencari perhatianku??? Biarkan…

Aku dengan duniaku, anak-anak, teman rapat yang lebih rapat dari kekasih yang lebih mengerti dari kekasih, lebih menyayangi dari kekasih, lebih prihatin dari kekasih.

Aku jadi semakin keliru antara yang kucinta dan yang mencintaiku.

“Tell them you are taken”

On what ground do I am sure that I am taken???

“Do you want me to meet and tell your mom”

If you need to…

“Ill find time, ill do that….”

And so till now I never did believe him. To gain my trust??? You got to pay for it… How long??? Don’t ask…

I wont be thinking about what I will have with him. I will have to leave to him. And last night I ache to hear his voice again telling me he miss me but no, I did nothing to make that realize and heard to my ears.

By morning the ache became unbearable and thus the call is made just to say hi and it makes me ache to be with him again. I miss him, yes despite my hatred towards him. BOLD!!! Yes, I am when I say that but deep in me is so shallow, melt, soft.

On the other hand the other party is bugging me more and more for the attention. Tired. I am very tired of relations. I am on mute mode now. Please don’t ask me to love, yes, the heart is taken. No matter how we made it 20 years ago the feelings of loving you is not there. I can only befriend with you. And I don’t have a way to tell him that.

Abang I wish you can hold me. Warm, comfortable and safe.

I miss you…


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Inner Feed 4

Category: Pouring

By 7pm I am already missing him badly but i have to be strong to overcome all the feelings. Yes, i love him but i must be able to strive for tomorrow. With or without him i am still strong and tough to face tomorrow.

Childrens talk hurts me more when they are discussing about CT and Datuk Khalid. I told them i am going to marry a Datuk too.
Eiman look at me sternly.... "No, you can't!"
I turn to her.... "Why?"
"You are marrying papa"
I turn my head away, Amani continues "ibu, kawin dengan Uncle Nazli"
Conversation stop there. I dont want to continue it nor discuss about it. No one should know what i had in mind and in my heart anymore. I have speak enough, said enough. I am embarking new stage of my life.

People can love me, people can share their joy with me, people can accompany me as and when they are free and i am free. But sharing my life like I shared with my kids and family, they have to think about it again.

Prove me you love me, prove me I'm important to you, prove me I am worth for you, which some has done that, but then that small portion of heart belongs to someone who dont appreciate and think that i would not turn around and flea again. Once i set my foot and mind, i'll be fading again to everyone's life. Im only waiting for the right time. Mercy??? I dont know... Blessing??? I'll talk to my father soon for his idea and opinion. The rest can go fly kite.

Somehow I think I manage to overuled Mr Wonderful. As much attention given and his words do give me ease of my when im in vain. I need nothing much than a company not just a body without a soul or soul without a body. I am greedy yes, I admit but to some visible things that I can have. If i couldnt, so its time to let go again.

Pain??? Yup, it is but it will heal with time if i allow it. So lets give a little bit more time while I enjoy everyone attention and love. And to you abang ... take your time and just hope time will not leave you far behind again like 15 years ago.

Aku tak akan menagih lagi seperti peminta sedekah walau kasih, perhatian, sayang ataupun apa yang kau pinjam dari ku. Cukup sudah "Suratan atau Kebetulan". Aku harus teruskan kehidupan....


Monday, July 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Me!!!

Penna: Lynna
Released: 170706
Mood: Cool

Category: Blogging

I had a quiet birthday this year. Secluding myself from outer world and only celebrating with my loved ones and dearest friends. My kids was the most happiest person. Early in the morning hugging and tugging with me on my bed holding me close and a birthday wished and kissed was then heared and felt.

Early in the morning I was ready to take my kids n nephew for a treat. I was holding the hurt in me badly just to look happy around them and a question was asked "Bu we are going to have lunch at the lake". I gulp and swallow the question slowly ask them back "who wants to have lunch with Uncle?" Four out of five did. When i asked Nana then she says "oklah bu jom lets go".

I sat in the car for quite some time to think. I will hurt 4 out of 5 if i don't go and it has been almost a month they have not seem him. I drive slowly and still pacing with my thoughts within me and exploring the needs to be there. I was actually have set my mind to take them for movie, library, park and landscape exhibition in Perdana Lake. I gave in because Ii need them because they are very happy and it was my birthday.

Shira of all thought, he is treating us but the was puzzled then why i paid the bills instead of him. I explain to her that since it was my birthday it is my duty to treat everyone not him. I told her that later at night a friend of mine will be throwing a party for me. She was silent after. She knows usually I will cook for my friends to gather at my place for lunch or dinner. I dont want to have that this year.

It was an enjoyable lunch actually. I saw everyone smilling happily not to exclude my nephew. The lake of tears enlosed within my heart, i was actually then portraying the other me. The drive home was slow and easy. I was suppose to them to KLCC then for jalan-jalan. Nana has something to buy and Shira is suppose to belanja me. I smile at her thoughts. Pleasing them on my birthday always bring joy in me. After dinner Anum called that she is on the way. The birthday treat was good.

This birthday has bring a total of new me who knows what I need and want for my next path of life. I have all those that I love to be with except man who I can call lover or husband. Other than that im fulfilled with strengths, courage and blessed.

4 days ago someone who dated me 20 years ago spitting what he has hold for me ever since he set his eyes on me during my school days. After he has a chance to date me he did ask his mom to sent his proposal to my house until the later he found out his mom didn't for some reason.

He was so frusturated married someone who is recommended by a friend and still married till now. To hear what he has kept for me all this days has brought a wide smile from ear to ear but "it was too late already" i told him. We are never meant to be together. Yes, i did went out with him. I was just so naive back then, just after school and i wasn't looking for anyone besides that time Amin, my first boyfriend is there (hahhaah cinta monyet betul). During back then to me they came just as friends.

Too many, I have to runaway from them. Why?? My bubbly and jovial attitude can be adaptable by anybody even the pakciks and makciks. They can even join me in the netball team player once i convinced them to participate. Till now if i even meet the pakciks and makciks again they will talk and talk and talk without stopping. With my status now, i cant be talking to anyone like i used to do. Fitnah and backstabber are everywhere. But i believe i do nothing to hurt anyone and that stays with me forever.

Would i change myself into someone else?? Would he ever understand what i want? Stop asking lynna. A constant change in life start from within. I am embarking my new life now. Relationship tire me entirely. I'll take just the face no more no less now on....

Have a nice day folks...


Friday, July 14, 2006

Penna: Lynna
Released: 140706

Category: Blogging

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Yes, I did it Again

Yes, I did it AGAIN!!!!
Current mood: excited

Penna: :Lynna
Mood: Intoxicated

Am laughing my ass out and happy for " errrr " is so bengang with me... You want to know who???? "errrr" has been reading and peeping and smirking but still tak puashati. TAPI KENAPA yea... and someone else will say ... (benda yang tulis yang hidup ke mati ke tak de kene mengena langsung at allll. Terasa???? ada makan pengat??? sendiri ingat... aku dah penat diam ;-))

No, no babeh you are wrong. First of all welcome to my obnoxious den and space. I spit, i rant to my ease my mind, the pleasure to talk to myself is by writing. Where, why and what for ??? It is up to me. Sapa suruh you datang and tengok??? Baca buat sakit hati lagi...

Aku tulis untuk engkau ke??? Hello banyak lagi orang nak baca!! Kalau tak bacapun I write for my own purpose. Kalau pun semua orang nak menipu i ke, you ke, dia ke, mereka ke, itu mereka punya pasal. Yang penting i kena, u pun kena, dia pun kena, mereka pun kena, lepas ni mesti ada lagi yang banyak kena tempias. Nak tau sebab??? Sebab dia tak puashati!!!!

You have trigger the evil me, you have always wanted me to react and here i am. Liars are everywhere. I can be one but what for??? What makes you special while ----------- can't differentiate the specialities in her, you, me and them. Greedy chauvinist pig!!!

"My apologies to all ugly looking bitches who cannot stop praising themselves...all they do is say how pretty or sexy they are...It makes my stomach turn..."

Her anger shown
in her words

This is what i found in my blogspot comments when someone without a guts and ballz commenting about my stats remarks. You want me to be sad over it??? You want me to whining about it? Kkekekekekeke after this you can tell or burst the volcanic mountain of my temper or anger??? WRong!!!!! im going to giggle, laugh, and smile... YOuve made my day sweetie, with your beautiful eyes, and muka cembrut, you obsolutely looks so funny and pretty. You are pretty and beautiful. But you dont know what you are good at. Telling what ever pleased you??? Go on hon... make yourself and day beautiful.... She cant come here and read i guess but peeping into my private den!!! Llaaaaaaaaaaa tak malunya (eh aku keee??? mungkin kot aku yang perasan... tak pe at least aku sedar diri and tau diri)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Please forgive Me, I cant Stop Lovin YOu....


Ini untukmu,
Kejauhan akan mengajar erti kasih sayang atau erti sebenar apa yang kita impikan. Muga abang akan terus sejahtera dan gembira selalu disamping tersayang dan keluarga. Doaku sentiasa mengiringi malam dan siangmu.....

It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss and
It's gettin' better baby
No one can better this
I'm still hold on and you're still the one
The first time our eyes met it's the same feelin' I get
Only feels much stronger and I wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on

So If you're feelin' lonely.. don't
You're the only one I'd ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love ya a little more than I should

Please forgive me I know not what I do
Please forgive me I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me

This pain I'm going through
Please forgive me
If I need ya like I do
Please believe me
Every word I say is true
Please forgive me I can't stop loving you
Still feels like our best times are together
Feels like the first touch

We're still gettin' closer baby
Can't get close enough I'm still holdin' on
You're still number one I remember the smell of your skin
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you
I remember the nights ya know I still do

One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And the one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong
With every word and every breath I'm prayin'
That's why I'm sayin'...