Monday, June 12, 2006

Sweet Flashback

Current mood: happy
Category: Friends

Penna: Lynna
Released: 120606

Long, long time chat friend suddenly write back to me addressing farmgirl as someone who always hide behind an identity. Next his emails entail, sms and lastly we speak over the phone to catch old good time.

I smile wide and broadly upon hearing whatever remarks he is making about me. Questions and answers continues. Friend comes and go in everyway fading and resurface again. Not knowing reasons why they left and why they came back. Most of the time i leave it to them to tell and if they dont its up to them too. Well, it has been good to keep the memories fresh again about who they are and where they are coming from and why they left and what makes they came back again. All in all i have the smile for remembering it and that was the best for me today.

Weekends was good for me as the maid was on leave and children are taken with their dad to his place. My programme to be in Sg was cancelled due to last minute plan. Anyway theres still tomorrow or pehaps the date are similar to last year if i go this week. I just leave it open. Need to confirm with few friends and ticket will be booked immediately hopefully by tomorrow.

While i was left all alone to myself last weekend, i took the opportunity to be in Shah Alam having lunch with Dr and then visiting my Klang friends. Away in the morning till the wee hours having loads of funs and laughter with friends was the most enjoyable part in my life. Throwing myself on the bed about 3am in the morning and wake up early to be supossedly sending R sons to school. Luckily he called said cancelled. I continue sleeping till next few hours and then off again i go to meet him for lunch.

Gotten some answer that makes me feel elated and from now on im going to be quiet as requested by him. The answer is not within the timeline but within the faith and patience. Insyaallah... The prove the answers is all in his hand.


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