Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Mama's Day!!!

Category: MySpace

Penna : Lynna
Released: 14th May 06 (in conjuction to Mothers Day)
Mood: Happy

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers. To every women in the world, Budi dan Jasamu dikenang semua sepanjang hayat.

My special thanks to dearest Leen, whom the first in the day sending me her message and wish at 9.56am whereas last year, 08th May 05 same time I receive the same message from Exit. A wish came from a family whom deserve and appreciate both role as important to each other. CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF YOU.

Indirectly giving me a message and a note where husband and wife in a family cannot disregard even a small moment of time in their life, which are shared.

To them my special thanks and wish, may god blessed and grant them all the happiness and joy in their life.

To other couples who are still happy and still so very much in love, CONGRATULATIONs. Though there is so much of testament from god but the understanding, the caring, the love will keep all of you going. Moga ALLAh sentiasa memberkahi dan memperkenankan keinginan anda semua.

To my dearest children , I love you all ... your warm embrace, your warm thougths and your warm love will always keep me going... I may not be the perfect mother but I'm always there for you...

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