Thursday, October 13, 2005


Changes in weather lately do affect my health especially getting the flu and asthma not to mention the sinus. I was hit by those since last week. The temperature was up and down since rain drops during daytime under the hot and stinking sun. It was good to have rain while my body system knows its going to make me sick sooner than I expected.

I wasn’t hit by pms much on emotion but then more of sleeping pattern and also bad migraine. Taking supplements do helps sometimes but not working for certain months. I will have to bear with those. Perhaps its dugaan bulan puasa.

Its good to have rain while some place is having water crisis. Where water is needed most than any food for hygienic purpose and also to perform the daily routines as muslims. Thanking him every minute for its also toning down the hot weather into wet and cooling at times. Tho I don’t fancy rain but its kind of worrying me not see its dropping during certain months where we should be getting heavy downpour or just a drizzle.

I just got back from meeting some friends over Nescafe tarik at Suzis corner with nin, arip, chel and widi. Well as usual since the first day of fasting month I met them once last Friday and today was the second day. Talking over the phone and online doesn’t gives the upbeat feel as we sit down and share the laughter just by looking at one face to another when one topics discover till the last was politics.

Strange it does give different kind of sensation if I don’t meet them long. Once its started it will never end. It can go on forever. Knowing that tomorrow is working day plus I have to get up for sahur with the kids we end it up at 2am.

Water is the topic I want to talk about since the beginning of this blog. A plain water that can do lots of things and wonder. Without it I cant be comfortable. One reason was the purpose of being clean and hygiene. Water is needed by body to hydrate and maintain body fluid and moisturize the skin.

But most important is that it used to clean the face and body before we perform “shalah”. Before we stand and sit to meet him the cleanliness of our outer skin by taking “wudhuk” is most important. Why does he emphasize on the cleanliness?

Cleansing the outer part is one thing, cleansing our soul is another. “Nawaitu” of doing and performing it is very important. When we are performing “shalah” we seek for his pardon and seek for his mercy besides abiding the law of 5 times routine.

Perhaps this ramadhan reminding me a lots of things that ive left before. Starving make me pondering about those needy who treat food as precious thing while we can have our meal accordingly daily and they have to fast almost everyday. So starvation really really making us feel how they survive in a day only with one meal or perhaps just water to survive.

Ramadhan is a month where people seek for forgiveness from god and amongst each other. Ramadhan brings a lots of things for those who really wants to find the meaning of life. Time for “berkhalwat, berqiyamullail and bertadarus” all nite.

Suddenly I miss mom again. Im going to have buka puasa with friends tomorrow. Perhaps I go and meet Kg Pandan gang first and then meet those Klang girl later. And Friday im gonna eat mom’s asam pedas. Im gonna ask her to do that. Hmmm I gonna take my children along to break fast together.

The whole family thingy. Food, bondage, togetherness, laughter and most of all I can kiss her hand and say thank you for the food, the laughter and the love. Dad is in Sandakan with my sister family. Hope he is enjoying the same togetherness and happy with them.

Looking forward for my Friday gatherings at moms place. God please let us be together.

Date released: 12 October 05 (230am)
Currently listening: Sometimes Words is Just Aint Enough
Mood : Calm

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